Solutions to Dust Control Problems
A complete range of dust filter collectors with sizes and capacities to suit any application including high pressure and low pressure ranges of dust filter collectors and reverse air jet dust filter collectors.
Complete System Approach
Grain Tech can provide a solution to the toughest dust emission control problems from system design through to commissioning with experienced engineers able to work to design the best system to economically meet specific dust control problems.
We can provide an effective system, which will meet the tough emission standards for your industry, boost worker safety and productivity and lower your plant maintenance costs. You can even obtain a direct payback from product reclaimed thought the Grain Tech Engineering dust filter collection system.
A Grain Tech designed dust filter collection system provides:
- Added worker safety/comfort.
- High removal efficiencies over a wide range of particulate types and sizes.
- Lower operating and maintenance costs.
- Ease of disposal or re-cycle of collected dust.
- Effective compliance with regulatory standards.
Whatever your specific airy quality objectives, Grain Tech will design the system to your needs, considering limits of particulate size, gas velocity, effluent requirements and nature of contaminant such as temperature, percentage moisture and P.H.
Range of Units to Suit All Applications
Grain Tech supplies high pressure and low pressure ranges of filter collectors and reverse air jet dust filter collectors designed for filtration of almost an kind of dust, powder and flue gases.
The filters are delivered complete to suit applications within the following industries:

- Building Materials Industry
- Chemical and Hydrocarbon Industry
- Plastic Industry
- Food Processing Industry
- Feed Stuffs Industry
- Wood and Paper Industry
- Foundries
- Incineration Industry
- Minerals Industry
- Textiles Industry
- Colour and Enamel Industry
- Ceramics Industry
- Coal Mining/Power Generation Industry
- Grain Storage/Drying and Handling Industry
Whatever your specific dust control application, Grain Tech Engineering can help in your preliminary system selection and sizing to your particular needs.
Full Turn-Key Service
Grain Tech dust control specialists can handle your total collection system from design through to start-up. Our service includes complete installation requirement survey plus preparation of drawing design and specifications as required. We complete your field erection and finalize commissioning, then assist in operator training.
Cost-effective Options
When you have your own installation engineering personnel we will undertake the full design survey complete with design drawings and specifications. We will ship the complete package to you site and provide installation supervision and installed arrangement commissioning on site.
