MyCOSTM2 control system is based on SCADA system, which is comprised of SIMENS S7-300/400 and SIEMENSWINCC V6&7. The consistency and stability of upper and lower computer is guaranteed by SIEMENS. Attributed to the powerful multi-user and multi-task function of SIEMENS, the MyCOSTM2 control system can master tasks from single equipment control to plant or company wide complicated control.
It adopts the latest MYCOS2.0 control system. All the processes can be displayed and controlled on the central computer.
Basic functions:
Distance formula making
Order system
Bin storage management
Hammermill Automatic Control
Different Production Report
Automatic Proportioning, data statistics and ERP docking.
Material shortage complement and free setting of discharge frequency (proportioning speed can be optimized)
Integrated route optimization, incident tracing and bar code error proofing functions
Equipment maintenance and management mode
Integrated per-proportioning system
Automatic control system of seamless integrated pelleting, extrusion and micro weighing scale